Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Isn't life fun

Hi everyone. Well we have been looking at apps that have been submitted to us online and we have contacted some for a face to face interview. There is time for you to put in your own app if you might be interested, so take a minute to do that before you leave our site.

Have you ever heard someone say "If it was easy everyone would be doing it"? Well all my life I've heard that and I guess it's gotten a little old. In a way that has a lot of truth to it but there's not a lot of comfort in that. You would like to think that the more you do something the easier it would get. NOPE! But if that was the case than everyone would be doing it and what you are doing wouldn't be so special. I guess we would all like things to be much like the old Staple's "Easy" button but that's just not what God had in mind when he placed us on this rock we call home. He knows that we only learn and grow as human beings when we have failures and pains that enter into are lives. We never seem to remember the successful and happy things that we have, and when someone tries to remind us about those times we almost always respond with a "yea, but" answer. The fact is that most of us don't like bumps in our road. They almost always cause us to go real slow making a relatively short distance drag on forever. On the other hand the fact is that the most of us don't take the time to appreciate a good road. Why? I think it's because there is nothing there (like a bump) to remind us to be appreciative. After all that's the way the road's suppose to be, right. But let us hit a chuck hole and the whine starts flowing. And if that's not enough, look out when we come into a construction and repair zone where someone is trying to make our road even better because then it's "Mission control, we have lift off!" Go ahead and ask me how I know. Now if I was a betting man (and I'll bet you I'm not) I would bet that I drive over more smooth roads by far than down old bumpy ones. As for the bumpy ones, chances are they didn't start out bumpy. Could it be that they became bumpy because of our lack of appreciation for a good smooth surface when we drove over it then. Are you failing to appreciate something in your life because that's what's expected only to go ballistic when those standards are missed even just a little. I know I do! Well I know I would be better off if I tried to recognize and appreciate the good smooth road. If neglected, additional chuck holes are likely to appear where we can least afford them. There's enough chuck hole in this world without us helping to create a few more! The moral is don't be a chuck hole or be a carrier that causes them.

Well I guess I need to get back to work, so, have a great day everybody! Richard

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