Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Off the wall and off the cuff!

Hi everyone! In a minute I well bring another of my World Renown (or it least in my mind) Pro Pix Tips, but first I would like to just ramble for a minute. I know, I know, thats kind of like going to what you hoped would be the greatest party of the year and someone drags out the old Super 8 reel to reel projector to show movies of their trip to Lake Fallainagettawetta (got to work at it people cause when you get it, it will be kind of funny) which they took in 1975. That was the year Aunt Flausey claimed a 3 pound Trout ripped her 1.5 carat diamond engagement ring off her finger and swam off with it in its mouth. Lucky it was insured or she would never have been able to get the new Ferrari with the rest of the money she received from the life insurance she got after uncle Benny choked to death on a bowl of chicken soup she made for him when he got back home after the long business trip with his secretary. OK! So it's not as riveting as Snoopys' "It was a dark and stormy night" intro but on short notice what do you expect? But at least I made my point that rambling sometimes is boring and maybe even a little waist of time, and if so you have my permission to jump to the PPT.

So is it just me or does the world seem a little bit of a pain lately? Money is tight, people are grumpy, nothing is very certain, and it seems that there are a lot of people who seem to have forgotten a few principles that I personal think helped to make this country great. Appreciation, trust, respect, honor, loyalty, kindness, and just good old fashion love at first glance might all seem to have taken a extended vacation. It's just not in others either, no! I have trouble finding them in me from time to time. It doesn't mean that there not there, just not as easy to drag them up and show them off as much. I like everyone else can find some excuse for it that will justify the absences, to pin the blame on others or at last resort on a Bush! But even if all those could be justified or proven beyond a reasonable doubt, well does that make it right? Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about Government or anything political. I'm talking on a more person to person level. There was a time in this great country of ours when people couldn't survive without those neighbors around them. No one was an island having the ability to do everything needed to survive. Oh, yes there where a few mountain men types if you want to call that living or surviving, but let just say that they were exceptions to the rule. With technology, we have been able to be more self sufficient with the help of Walmarts and credit. With that has come the thought (and I believe a false one) people just don't need each other anymore. They are out for them selves and will do anything they want to if it betters them. Nothing personal they will always say like that is some kind of get out of jail free card. Yes, it maybe legal, but how does it stack up on the what's right meter. Folks we have enough working against each and everyone of us, we don't need to start eating our own! Now more than ever we need to be working with those around us in our personal lives as well as in business so we can all reach the other side of this raging torrent we know as life. Folks, it's hard to circle the wagons when your the only wagon in the wagon train. Not making any remarks against anyone or any people with that analogy except for the person driving the wagon.

The good news is that there are folks out there who are working hard to do exactly what I am saying. There is also a few one wagon wagon trains out there that maybe we should all be avoiding if they choose to go it alone. I don't like their chances as well as I do those who choose to join their efforts and skills with others. Hey, it's worked over and over again throughout history. If it ain't broke......right?

On a personal note, I am fortunate enough to have people currently and from my past around to give me a word of encouragement when I need it, a helping hand when it's needed, and a poke in the nose (and that's not easy to miss) when all of the above is met with a little resistance from you know who. I like to compare them to the E.L.F.S. from the original "Santa Clause" movie. You remember the answer they gave to the local police officer at the station house when he asked them who they were? "Your worst nightmare, Elves with attitude!"

To all you little and big Elves out there who against all the crap and unnecessary bird droppings that your fellow (and I use the term loosely) human beings are "nothing personal" dumping on you and still able to hold true to what you know is the best and right thing to do, I stand and, in honor, salute you. For those like myself who seem to find it an exhausting challenge to keep up with your wonderfully good nature you still bring encouragement and sanity to worlds like mine! This company has found its self so blessed to be associated with some outstanding business. Many folks who know the importance of working in harmony and the many good benefits that come with that effort. My prayer if you will permit me the moment to say one is that all of you are bless beyond measure and that your efforts return a hundred fold and more. To those who never were, thanks for being! And to those driving in the one wagon wagon trains, well I hope you wagon has rack and pinion steering and your horse can go really really fast!

Ok! All you who didn't want to watch the pictures from the 1975 trip to Lake Fallainagettawetta, the rambling is over and we are going to start the Pro Pix Tips now!

Pro Pix Tips: When you are using a flash of any kind, on or off camera (preferably off but thats a whole different PPT) watch how much shadow you are making behind your subject. If the shadow is dark and well defined the chances are that the flash is producing to bright of light for the settings that the camera is using. The object is to produce a soft natural shadow if any at all. Hard shadows usually means you will have hot spots on your subject and that is not good especially in portrait photos. To correct the situation you have three basic choices. First you can adjust the power settings on the flash you're using. If you're on full power than try dropping the power down 1/2 F stop and try the shot again. Continue until you have a balance between the shadow and your subject. Second, you can adjust the aperture of the lens by raising the f stop setting to a higher number thereby closing down the lens opening letting in less light. Raising or lowering the shutter speed will not effect the lighting from the flash at all. Only the ambient lighting. Continue adjusting the f stop until you get the results you want. Or, third, you can just cheat and pull the light source back away from your subject, but where's challenge in that? If the shadow is showing up way to far to either side of your subject the picture will not appear natural and therefore not very eye appealing. To correct this either the placement of the flash (light source) or camera must be moved. Try placing your light source at either a 4 o'clock or 8 o'clock position with the camera at the 6 o'clock position and you subject at 12 noon. Raise the light source up so it is point toward the subject from about a 45 degree angle. In most cases this is a rule of thumb to get a natural looking light onto your subject. Give it a try and keep working at it to improve your skills especially if you use a digital camera cause all it cost is your time.

Well that's all for the day guy. Have a great day everyone!


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