We are going to be offering 360 degree photography to our clients starting this week. In the next day or so the graphic guy will be uploading a sample of what one looks like. You may have seen them before were you can place the cursor over the picture and see a panoramic view of the entire area that has been photographed. I traveled all the way to Kansas to take a 360 degree photo of a Scottish Rite Temple and they look great! We have already had several showing interest in this service and we're looking forward to getting it off the ground. Pricing for this service we think will be very competitive and we should have that service posted soon so watch for it and let us know what you think. I heard that! Someone out there just said "Who would be in need for this?" Well let me take a deep breath and start a list. Real estate, hotel/motels, restaurants, theatres, resorts, entertainment venues, clubs, civic organizations, governmental agencies (city, county, state, fed.), churches, schools, ......gasp, cough, choke, breath. I think the "etc." thing would be appropriate here. We're even going to try shooting one inside a car. We'll let you know how that goes.
Finally, let me ask you how the Pro Pix Tips are doing for you. Has anyone gone out and tried any of the suggestions. If so, let us know. Send us a few you think are the best and depending on how many we have we may just post a few in a gallery somewhere for all to view. Photography gets into your blood if you keep working at it. It's rare when you can do a job that you can just immerse yourself into and real like what you do. Sure, there are times when you have to take a picture of something that may not be your most fab thing to shoot but because of that love for what you do is so strong you still will work very hard to get whatever your subject is to look the best you can. If you're going to capture the moment you need to make it count and make it right. I see a lot of photos on the web, ads, books/magazines, etc. that I wish could have been done just a little different. Then on the other hand I see shots I wish I had taken (jealousy, another virtue of having a passion for photography)! But whether you get that deep into the photo junky thing or just do it as a hobby, I still want you to be pleased with your shots. That's what the PPT posts are all about! So don't be shy. Let us know and see how you're doing. We might even have a job for you. No promises but it wouldn't surprise me any.
Hey I got to get going, so I hope you all have a great day!
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