The facts are very clear. I feel so blessed to have several good people working on my staff who have devoted themselves to this company to the extent that I can say that if not for them I would be in big trouble. It is, therefore, right and proper to take the time to recognize who they are and what they do that makes me look good. The fact that this blog is new and has so few current readers at this point has nothing to do with the timing of this post.........well it doesn't.
Chris is our go to guy for graphics and editing. The work on this website is his handy work. Most of the editing on the pictures we take happens on his work screen. Chris has worked on commercial and personal projects and is a master of making things look good. If there are light poles and snow banks in the picture, Chris makes them go bye bye. We worked a wedding once were cars where parked right next to the walk area where the bride made her entry into the ceremony area. Nothing like having a dirty 4 door car as the back drop for a bride dressed in white. No problem for Chris. What was the answer? He turned the row of cars into a very nice looking row of shrubbery (no connection to the Knights who say "Nee"). Chris is also very creative in generating graphic designs for such projects as CD covers, booklets, and photo folders. Now everyone has there limitations, but so far I haven't seen many out of Chris, however, come to think about it, I've not seen him walk on water........yet.
Jackie wears a lot of hats although you'll never see one on her head. She's kind of office manager, venue manager, photographer's assistant, photographer, secretary, delivery person, and master ice tea maker. And if that's not enough, she also is a pretty darn good PR person for the company. She can hob nob with the big stars, business owners, guest, clients, concession/gift shop staff, the young, the old, pets, Tasmanian Devils, and even my kids. She has the ability to talk to almost anyone and make them feel special and valuable. Every successful company needs a Jackie on their payroll. They're the kind of employee that will look you square in the face and tell you how little skill and value they bring to the table and then put all magicians to shame with the kind of rabbits they can pull out of their hat, and as I said, Jackie wears a lot of them.
We also have a number of people who play very important roles for 2C Photography but fortunately haven't asked for any pay. They include Vick and Chris (a different one) who are just two we use as business consultants. They also include Becky, Melissa, Ryan, Bobby, Katrina, and of course my parents and my brother Terry (most of whom deny any and all knowledge of being related to me or even knowing me). Each in their own way provide an absolute invaluable service to me with there input, efforts, and restraint of laughter and heckling.
I've saved the Boss for last. He is very patient with me and chooses to keep me around, taking care of the things I need. I have to say that it really does embarrasses me that I don't accomplish the assignments given to me as well as I should a lot of the time. In fact, I sometimes act like the company is mine when in reality it's not. He's made all the right moves and any time those moves haven't worked out has been due to my "I have a better idea" brain glitch. I would do so much better if I would choose to remember who's really in charge. Fortunately, mercy is something not in short supply with the Boss. Those who know me know whom I'm talking about. For the rest of you please know that I don't wish to offend anyone nor give the impression I'm some sort of religious nut but in my world and chosen faith if it was not for the blessings of God which includes each and everyone of those folks mentioned in this post, 2C Photography would not be what it is today! For that I am truly thankful to all of them.
Have a great day everyone! Richard
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